Taking Risks – beyond the analysis

I vividly recall my decision to pursue college in the US, leaving my home in Ecuador and family—an endeavor viewed by many as risky at that time. However, for me this was an exciting journey to explore and grow. Despite facing challenges, I learned valuable lessons about perseverance and the necessity of moving forward, even when I didn’t have all the answers or knew what was coming after the next corner,  highlighting the essential nature of following your gut (intuition),  managing uncertainty and taking risks to achieve one’s goals. 

Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed organizations overanalyzing decisions, seeking certainty before acting. I’ve experienced this as well.  This can stifle innovation and timely decision-making, impeding our ability to seize opportunities and learn from failures, which are critical for building resilience and achieving growth.

Significant growth demands venturing beyond our comfort zones, embracing decisive actions, and taking risks. And like anything, the more you practice, the better you get at it.   While various frameworks exist to guide this process, I believe that personal values, experiences, and organizational culture play pivotal roles in determining risk tolerance. 

Big gains require the courage to redefine failure and to be comfortable with uncertainty. To navigate this path successfully, consider these questions to guide your risk management strategy:

  • Values. What are your values?
  • Goals. What are your goals and key milestones?
  • Uncertainties. What information is essential versus nice to have? What uncertainties can be turned into opportunities?
  • Risks. Assess likelihood, impact, and mitigation strategies for the risks you have identified. What are you willing to lose if not successful? 
  • Red Flags. What are the red flags that may signal the need to stop and pivot?

While frameworks are essential for systematic analysis, the decision to move forward ultimately rests on the individual’s goals or the organization’s cultural willingness to take risks for higher gains. 

How have your values and experiences shaped your risk taking?